Tuesday, December 12, 2006

How does one meet an old friend one hasn't talked to in months; a friend with whom one has shared many personal experiences ; a friend who is more of a identity of oneself. How does one start the conversation? By saying " I missed you but couldn't make it to you? or should one simply start off the next conversation as if there was never any gap? Wouldn't that be rude? Various such questions have crossed my mind whenever i have sat down to re-unite with my blog in the past one month. So this is to say i am through with my blog vacation and ready to share some more experiences, feelings with this friend!


  1. Well it depends on the kind of friendship you have ... I know you and I coudl chat ... anytime ... on anything ... that's the beauty of real friendship .... I met someone last week who I haven't been in touch with for 14 years .... and it was as though we had never lost touch at all ....

  2. Good to see that you have resumed writing your blog again. :)
